Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Literary essay

 Jonathan                                                         11/23/10                          
                              One of these day
Short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, response by Jonathan Guzman
        The short story One of these days is about a dentist named Aurelio Escovar who has dentistry, except he doesn’t have a degree. Aurelio is living through a life of poverty and disgrace and the time period is during a Civil War in Columbia. In this story Aurelio who is busy with his precious gold tooth, is constantly polishing it and keeping it as his property and refuses to give it back to the mayor. However, the Mayor arrives at his dentistry and has an extremely bad toothache and he threatens the dentist that he will shoot him if he does not receive proper dentistry. All of this also is taking place with the dentist’s decision to cheer one side of this war that is going on.
The thesis of the short story is about how this dentist who decides to come out of the poverty with a golden tooth and also the fact of his anger towards people for the deaths of people he knows (war deaths). As a result of the deaths and anger he tries to harm the mayor who is partly responsible of what is happening in Columbia during that time.

“Dry your tears”, this was the quote that showed the dentist’s change and seriousness. Aurelio was ready to do something, unexpected, nothing that can now be changed. Aurelio Escovar in the inside is another person, many people think of him as a good, and hard working person. But, in the inside he is different, he is sensitive and quick tempered. Aurelio is also the type of person who would look for revenge, which in this case he thinks in harming the mayor because of having something small to do with his friend’s death.
In conclusion, I think that this short story shows a lot of inner thoughts of the dentist and whom he considers an enemy. As a result of a short transition of the poverty to richness, he is becoming mentally different than what he was before. This story shows the idea of how people can change with objects that can change their life forever.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Free Write#2

Jonathan Guzman 11/17/10
            The Great Depression
                                  Bankruptcy of banks

Starting in 1930 going though about another decade, people in the U.S suffered and suffered. Money caused depression for people and money was running out quickly. The last decade during the 1920’s was a decade of money, luxury, fun, and most of all gladness. That all was over when the money ran out and many banks couldn’t control money either. During the Great Depression if you had money in the bank it would most likely that you will lose your money.

Most Banks went in bankruptcy and many people would rage outside the banks to close their bank accounts and get their money back. These acts were called runs, which means when tons of people surrounded and crowded the banks to protest for their money. Banks would be scared because they owe money to lots of people and also to many other banks and people because they were loaned money and expected responsibility.

For this Great Depression to start, there were many causes to it. Gamblers, these people would bet their money in many businesses of fun such as in poker, crime, games, etc. Another cause were people who used money on unnecessary things such as appliances, cars, televisions, etc. Big businesses also were at fault because they would lower their products and increase their prices on their products. These are only some of the causes of the Great Depression.

If you were a person who wasn’t wealthy and lost their money in the bank you could not do anything about your money, and would have to start life over. On the other hand, if you were wealthy and you had money in the bank you can demand your money back receiving it in another day. Banks in this time period would close their doors and not let anybody in because of fear of attacks, insults, demands, etc.

People who had cash and they had their money raised with them would save their money and start to limit themselves a lot for any purchases including food, drinks, entertainment, appliances, non-important stuff, etc. Other people in the U.S did not even have any money and would live in homelessness and severeness. Parents who were homeless with their children would watch their children starve (turn skinny), and suffer. Hoovervilles were common in this time. Hoovervilles were villages of all sizes in which homeless people had sort of homes (more like tents) and they would live their.

The chamber of converse, this was a chamber where most of the homeless receive their food if they have no other way of receiving food. The chamber of converse was basically a shelter, not really a place to live there, if not a place to survive. Some wealthy people decided to give money to these companies for many people to try to get back up (the kind and careful wealthy people).

The Great  Depression was a monster, something that was extremely hard to escape. It was hard because if you had no money that meant that you could not pay for your needs. What I mean by needs are things such as food, drinks, clothes, rent of home, etc. If you did not have anything of this, it was most probable that you would not be able to survive. This monster, this depression was after everyone, including those who were wealthy, it would try to take their money in some way.

Free Write#2

Jonathan Guzman 12/13/10             
People Benefited by FDR’s doings
It was 1935 and Brian Kolowon was one of the many people who were in poverty during the Great Depression. Brian was a sixteen-year-old teenager who is now alone and was forced to live in the streets, with no school, food, or basically anything. One day Brian walked down the streets and entered a store. In the store a radio was playing Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s radio show. “The New Deal has been created, all of you people that need jobs and are in financial needs come on over to farms and other businesses get yourself a job and get your money”. Brian couldn’t believe his ears, he quickly ran towards where he knew where this farmland was.

Brian was courageous, glad, and his feelings could barely be described in words. When he got to the farm, there was a lot of people registering and getting ready to work out on the fields. As Brian walked he heard the man registering people “What you will be doing is plowing the farms and on those spots with no crops you will refuse to grow anything there!” Brian was confused, lost; he didn’t understand why they had to the opposite of what farming is. Brian decided to do as he was told. As he worked he was supported by his helpers and was supported to his growth because he was not really at his age of growth. “Just in case you all are wondering why we are doing this it’s because the president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered all farmers to do this because of all the problems of the dust storms and all that”. Brian had understood this and worked for the six hours he had of work.
Brian walked back home and saw posters hanged that said “CCC program that gives us help” and other posters said “AAA agricultural change”. Brian entered his tent in which he considers home. Brian counted the money he received from his first day at work and it resulted that he had received seventy dollars! As Brian put his money back in his backpack his telephone started ringing.
“Hey son”, said the man
“Oh hey Grandpa, what’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong”
“O...K than why did you call me?”
“Guess what”
“FDR passed the Social Security act!”
“What does it do?”
“Well it helps the elderly like me to financial, physical, and other needs. I pretty much get paid for not working because of my age incapacity to work”
“Well son.... I better start investigating on how I can actually get helped”
“OK, bye?”

Brian started investigating on this act. Hearing through radios, people, etc. He had
found out that FDR had created this law on August 14, 1935 and that it had created old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped. Brian was so surprised of what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did for them and was really thankful for this president’s existence and the fact that he actually cares about the country and it’s conditions it is in.
Brian walked out into the streets seeing people’s content faces of the benefits they
can get with everything that FDR is trying to do to restore, revive and pick the United States of America back up from suffering and poverty. Brian knew that if his family would accompany him his family and him will together be glad and thankful.

“This wonderful president of ours will forever be remembered for his great efforts”.


Jonathan Guzman             10/21/10
The man with no facial I.D!

I remembered the day. The day that I, Donald Graddam, looked around, seeing trees, rocks, buildings and parked cars. I remember I saw a man with a black suit and a black mask. He had walked from an alley nearby that was down the block. I followed him because of curiosity. He entered a building, a building that has not been visited in ages. The building was known for being the place where many people died (including my 28 year old brother who supposedly was reduced to ashes) because of an explosion two years ago, most who were present at this event were burned alive. It has been says that only 1 person survived but nobody knows for sure.  I followed him into the building looking at the black walls, hanging spider webs, and broken windows. I looked around until I saw the man again, standing still, staring at the ceiling of the lobby of the building. He had his arms raised almost like he was asking for forgiveness, better life, etc.

Music started playing, It was like a really eccentric type of music.The man threw a glass bottle at the wall. The man kneeled on his knees and started speaking in a foreign language which I thought it could either be Japanese, German, Indian, or another language. The man put a black necklace on, he pulled it, and demolished it. The beads of the necklace flew all over the floor. I think he tried to pull of the necklace without breaking it, and I tried to peak at what exactly he was doing. The man looked back and I quickly hid behind a wall nearby. He walked towards were I was and he looked around. Fortuitously, I wasn’t caught in his sight.  

The man walked back and continued the ritual sort of thing. He took hold of a candle and savagely lit it up with fire, next he threw it to the ground, then stomped on it. A bright light appeared and I remember I saw and image, an image like no other. The image was a bright creature with a greenish, redish face, with horns, sharp ears, and other weird characteristics. On the other hand, when the man took off his mask, basically, I couldn’t see anything on his face except for a completely black wrinkly face. Well, it wasn’t really a face, if not, it was like a fake face mask, or something.

The creature sort of thing looked back and caught me on his view, picked up his objects, then he started to run. I chased him and saw as his objects fell one by one to the floor. He began to run slower losing his breath, and as I continued the venery I grabbed a chain and threw it at him trying to tie him around. The man fell and the chain was able to tie him up. I then pulled him down to sit on the floor. Slowly, I walked to him, step after step.

I went up to him and grabbed his hair, pulled his hair, and then took off a mask! The man got up and ran, at the same time breaking the chain. I decided to stay still this time, shocked, although I wasn’t able to see his actual “Identification”. I walked slowly thinking about what or who it could be. I saw him going up the stairs were I know it is a dead end. I quickly reacted and followed him up the stairs. As I was taking my first step on the second floor he was gone, there was no sign of where he could have gone. I looked all around the second floor and unanticipatedly I saw a staircase I never even noticed on the times I’ve visited.

I followed the stairs up and it lead me to the roof. On the roof was the man, now with a new mask. The man did not look back as he crossed a bridge (made recently out of wood) that lead to the roof of another building. I quickly ran across the bridge. The man was cornered and that I had thought he had no place to run. I leisurely walked to him, and at the same time catching my breath. He then threw himself off the building! I looked down and I saw as he was hanging on a window edge climbing in through the second floor. I did as he did, and threw myself off the building landing on the second floor window edge. I then decided not to go into the second floor, instead falling on the entrance. When I landed the man was about to exit, now with another mask. I tripped him and took off the mask, and it was his brother!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Independent Writing Piece by Jonathan Guzman

I’m Bill Galaxy an 8th grade senior who goes to Interesting Flight Middle School in New York City and I am an only son. It is December 6, 2010 and I am getting ready to go to a 8th grade only school for a school trip to the Historical Philadelphia Past House. Well, I wouldn’t consider it a house, if not, a museum. The only reason why I’m going is because It is a trip to Philadelphia where my friend Greg said it would be to a haunted house and that it would freak me out to the point I’ll pee in my pants. I don’t really believe in ghosts, so I am going just to prove that ghosts are just lies, and made up stories. For the past week or so my homeroom teachers have been giving me loads of paperwork that require health information, parent permission, etc. I find these paperwork annoying, why? Well, because they have a lot of security, It’s not like we’re going to risk our lives in that “haunted house”. Anyway, at this instant I am getting ready to go to this school trip which I’d say it is mostly all day since we are leaving at 6:30 in the morning and coming back literally in the morning, which is at 11:30.
“You ready to go”, said my mom.
“Yeah, at least I think so”, I said
“OK then, hurry up because they’ll leave you if you’re late”
“Mhhmm...let’s go then”
My mom and I exited the house and ran towards the nearby train station to get on the on train. We walked down the dirty steep stairs of the train station, we swiped through the Metro Card machine and went down the next flight of stairs. When we were on the station we patiently waited for the train. Not to far away from us was this crazy homeless guy he was going around insulting and screaming randomly at people, he then got steps closer to us.
“ people are stinky like skunks!”, said the homeless guy to my mother and I.
My mom ignored these types of things most of the time because she just thinks those things are just silly and that it was a waist of time and words to insult back. On the other hand, I’m not the type of person that can control myself when I get insulted. I was right about to respond to him and say something like “You shouldn’t be talking, at least I have cleaner clothes”. But no, I decided to control myself and not insult back because he is probably not even conscious of what he is saying and doing. And Anyway, he really was homeless and it would really hurt him to make fun of him by just saying that he is poor. As the one train arrived to the station, the man was going up the station stairs, I turned around and gave him five dollars (I have to say that is the first time I actually felt kind for doing a good deed). I rushed to get into the train with my mom, the train doors closed, and the train started moving. I know that the homeless man was glad to receive money.
The train is really crowded and I hate when this happens because someone always has to shove in the train cab to make room. Most of the time I get hit in the face by someones elbow or their purse. I see as the train ran through the street stations and the weird huge thuds it does as the train hits the railroad. The train arrived on my stop and my mom drove me towards the school.
“I think we’re late mom”, I said
“No, we still have like ten minutes to get there”
When we got to the school the school buses were already mostly loaded with kids and it seems like I was the only one missing. I quickly got on the bus and all 5 teachers 39 eighth graders were on the bus, which basically made me number 40. The bus turned on it’s engine and started driving slowly, I waved at my mom saying goodbye, and the bus left. On the bus I had nothing to do so I decided to talk with my friends, Greg, Robert, and Eric.
“So.... you ready to pee in your pants”, said Greg.
“Ready to squeal like a mouse” said Eric.
“Ready to run away and scream for mercy!” said Robert
“Nah...nothing of that will happen”
“Sure it won’t”, said Greg
I really don’t like having to sit on a bus for an hour so I decided to sleep. My eyes are  fading away quickly, I see black shadows closing my view down, my body is paused, I feel... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................
“Billy.....Billy wake up we’re here”, said Greg
“Huh.....Wha?, Wha?,What?”, I said
“We’re in Philly”
“Oh snapples!”
“That is the Historical Philly Past House”, said Robert mysteriously as he pointed at the house.
“Whoa!.....That’s a huge house!”, I said
The grade had to split into groups of 8 and it ended up being 5 groups. Oh great!, I ended up being with Greg, Robert, Eric, these other strangers that I don’t even talk to them. OK, let me explain, I don’t mind going in with some strangers, what I do mind is entering with my three best friends because then they are going to try to scare me or place a prank on someone else, and anyway they’ll probably ditch me in some dirty pit inside any of the rooms. The house was on a hill so the groups had no other choice but to go up the hill. You don’t know how much I hate going up hills, and especially hills like this one, with prickly trees, wet and slippery leaves, and other things that I would consider “Traps” or “Guards”.

We pushed the humongous doors open and heard as the cracks and huge screech of the doors. When we all entered the doors shut behind us.
“Squeak!”, said Greg
“Ahem!.....I thought you said you weren’t scared”, I said
“I’m not....he..he”, said Greg as he shook
“And anyway the doors closing by themselves is just the wind....... right?”, said Greg
“Or was it? never know if it was a ghost”
You should have seen Greg, he was completely freaked out and the “show” had not started yet. My other group members didn’t even brake a sweat, well maybe it’s just a matter of time before they actually do get scared.
“You scared yet”, said Robert
“Nah.... And it is about 98 percent sure that I won’t get scared this whole trip”
The first place our group went to was the dinner table. We walked around and every body expected something to happen, and guess what, nothing did happen. I had a feeling this would be the most boring trip ever.
“Hey look!.... that door is opening alone!”, said Eric
The whole class had looked and it was just a joke that Eric did to scare the students and the teacher.
“Stop that!”, said a girl from our group
What did I tell you?, I told you one or all of them would play a joke/prank on someone. I know them, and that they are those type of silly people. Anyway, since we noticed no abnormal movements or anything we went to the living room. The living room was really cool and had lots of sofas and a Television. We all decided to sit when we heard a thud.
“What was that”, said Greg
“It was probably someone from the other groups who fell”, said a boy member of my group
“Oh....yeah....It was probably...that”
I decided to get up and reach for the remote and as I walked back I saw my whole group with these scared look on their faces.
I turned around and saw the TV literary floating in mid-air. The TV turned on and a video started to play. I sat down with the others and we watched it, the man on the video seemed to be the owner and ghost who haunts and owns the house. The TV turned of and fell, the screen broke the button rolled off, and the cable of the TV got disconnected. Our group slowly got up and took some steps. The teacher tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. The whole group contributed to open the door up but still, even their effort was useless. I then kicked the door, while everybody sighed. Suddenly, the door opened, and the person who opened it was a ghost.
“Ummmmmmm.......... Ahhhhhhhhh!, I screamed then ran.
“Run! Run! Run!”, said the teacher as she stayed behind making sure everybody else ran away.
We soon were in the main entrance and I took a quick count of everybody.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and the teacher......where is the teacher?”
“I thought she was running at the end of our line”, said Eric
“Does that mean she got....caught?”, said Greg
“I don’t know but we are teenagers and we can take care of ourselves”, I said.
I lead the class to continue the trip and It seemed like if nobody else was In the house except us eight because it was so quiet. We entered a huge bedroom and we all spread out to look around.
“Everybody, don’t go to far in the room unless it’s with the whole group”, I said
The group seemed not to listen to me, they had gone all over the room. Robert decided to lay down on the bed and take a short nap as we all looked for any information or clues how to get out. Trust me, this was the most dusty bedroom I’ve ever seen. This wasn’t nothing like mine, with shining furniture, beautifully colored walls, etc. Anyway I decided to call the group to gather up to exit.
“OK kids, let’s go”
The people gathered and I took a quick count. We were missing someone! I looked around and saw that Robert was missing.
“Does anybody know where Robert is?!”
“The last time I saw him was on the bed”, said Greg
“Me too”, said Eric
“Me three”, said a girl
“OK....then I guess we’ll...just get going”, I said
Across of the bedroom we were in was a big, thick, purple curtain we pushed it and noticed a dark staircase.
“Coooooool!....”, said a boy
“Let’s go down there.....unless you people are scared”, he said following up his last phrase.
“No we shall not go down there”, I said

As usual nobody listened to me and continued the exploring. Going down the staircase was nearly impossible. The floors were sticky, there was no light at all, and the walls and stairs were made out of wood. Our group saw a light to the basement. When we arrived there were only 3 people!
“How could have they just disappeared?”, said Greg shaking more than ever.
“................”, the other boy was speechless.
Anyway, we continued for our survival journey through the house. I would say the vacant was under construction because there was tools set up and the place was dirty. We then decided to go upstairs and luckily this time nobody disappeared. We heard a plate shatter noise and decided to go to the dinner table again. Greg and I took a peek and saw people, not regular people, if not ghosts. The ghosts look like they were having dinner and they were talking, only that we couldn’t here their conversation. We decided to huddle up when we were missing another member! The last ones of our group were Greg and I. We both peeked into the dinner table again and it was empty. We entered the room and looked around for the people, nothing was found.
“What just happened”, said Greg
“I don’t know but I do admit I’m scared”, I said
As I opened shelf the plates on the table started floating, guess what happened next?
The plates fired at us like gun bullets and they fired so fast that a blow of those plates would probably be deadly. We were lucky enough to exit and not get hit by a plate. Greg walked down the hallway by himself and found something.
“Look what I found!”
“What is it”
“A blackberry phone”
“Let me see......It seems to have a text message from a teacher”
“It says that they were taken by these pitch black shadows”
“That means it’s only us two in this house”
“uh huh”
We looked down the stairs when we saw a black shadow coming right at us. We ran as fast as we could and it caught Greg’s leg. I saw as he disappeared little by little.
“Run for your life”, those were the last words of Greg to me.
I ran to the main entrance and tried to open the doors, it wouldn’t budge. I saw the windows and planned to break through them. It was like those movies that they go slow motion when it was an epic moment. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for me. The glass ended up being those types of extremely thick glass. When I ran to it I ended up hitting myself on my head. As I was hurt on the floor the shadow rushed to me got me...............
“Awwwww....Where am I?”, I said
It seemed as I appeared in the middle of the hill leading to the house. The whole other grade and teachers were all there too, only except that they were unconscious. I got a couple of people up and they helped me with the others. We all went down the downhill and got on the bus. The bus accelerated and drove away.
“That was freaky!”, said Greg
“I don’t understand how this all happened.”, I said
“Well we sure learned a lesson”, said Robert
“Not to mess with ghosts” said Eric
“No....To believe in ghosts”